Options for the Cremated BodyHoly Cross
Options for the Cremated Body

The choice of Cremation should be a sensitive one that celebrates our Catholic beliefs and values, including all the Rites of the Funeral Liturgy. The cremated body should be treated with the same respect as any other final remains, including the decision for final burial or entombment. For more information, please visit our Catholics and Cremation information page.
Catholic Cemeteries offers a wide range of reverent burial/entombment options to provide your loved one with a reverent and dignified resting place, one allowing for permanent memorialization as a lasting tribute to their life, and a place for healing and reflection.
Options include in-ground burial or niche entombment in an outdoor garden setting.
Contact a Family Services Counselor today at 718-284-4520 or click here to send us an e-mail, and be sure to arrange an appointment to discuss the various options to pre-plan your cemetery needs. We urge you to secure peace of mind for yourself and family by making your arrangements before the need arises.