Nothing speaks louder of warm summer days to come than the landscape beds full of bright showy annual flowers.

One annual flower that has resurged in popularity due to recent breakthroughs in plant breeding is the Petunia. the results have been the development of an exciting new variety called the “wave Petunia”. These easy to grow plants spread rapidly and bloom freely all season. In addition they tolerate heat and cooler conditions much better than traditional varieties. The “Wave” series has a wide, spreading habit which makes this plant excellent as a showy groundcover in most planting beds. Individual plants can spread as much as 4 feet and are quick to recover from heavy rains, a problem with older varieties. These plants grow well in containers but may tend to overpower other plants. So best results come when planted alone. The aggressive trailing habit lends well to their use as a border plant at a rock wall or ledge where they drape down in a showy display.
The “Wave” Petunias prefer well-drained fertile soil with average moisture. Supplemental fertilizer applications yield results, one that I am sure will dazzle all who pass by.
You will be able to find the “Wave” series of petunias at most large garden centers when annual flowers are displayed.
A successful planting season for gravesite planting areas comes from proper planning and plant selection for the growing conditions that exist at your particular location. This often requires a little homework to properly match the plant to the location. Some important considerations are: mature plant size – avoid large plants since they obscure the family memorial. Drought tolerance – Try to choose plants that are termed either hardy or drought tolerant. Light exposure – Some plants prefer sun, partial shade or shade. Remember to match your selection to the site conditions present.
Please see some of our favorite perennial selections that have proven track records, many of which are past “perennial of the year” selections.
We hope these ideas prove helpful in your plant selections and give you seasons full of carefree color.

Hostas – are extremely easy to grow shade loving plants with a wide array of foliage choices. Mid to late summer flowers provide a nice contrast to its many leaf types.
Moonbeam Coreopsis
Moonbeam Coreopsis – is a very dense sun loving daisy-like plant that produces lemon yellow flowers throughout the summer months. Coreopsis has feathery green foliage which can with stand some dryness.

Stella D’Oro Daylily
Stella D’Oro Daylily – This low growing daylily is a standard among daylilies. this daylily is hardy and pest free and produces yellow blooms in succession all summer long and prefers full sun.
Sedum Autumn Joy
Sedum Autumn Joy – also called “live forever” this hardy verity has received wide acceptance for its sturdy umbrella like flower heads that are pink in color. This late summer early, fall flowering perennial is extremely east to grow.

Veronica “Sunny Border Blue
Veronica “Sunny Border Blue – This summer flowering perennial produces dark violet blue spikes throughout the summer. Continues blooming is favored be the removal of old blooms. Veronica grows well in full sun or partial shade.