Showy annuals full of flowers can be breathtaking. But how can you help yourself to assure success ?

Begonias – A very versatile plant that can grow in sunny as well as shaded areas. This very durable plant is available with green or bronze leaves and white, or red flowers.
Marigold – Like sunny conditions and well drained soil. They are available in a wide variety of heights from 10 inches to 2 – 1/2 feet. The most common colors are yellow and orange.

New Guinea Impatiens
New Guinea Impatiens – This group of plants is always one of my favorites. The color choice is wide and bold. You can find either solid green leaf or a variegated leaf, which adds distinctive character to the new Guinea Impatiens. This plant will do well in sun if moisture is ample and timely. The best results are achieved in part sun growing in a fertile well-drained soil.
Vinca Rosea
Vinca Rosea – Is a very drought tolerant sun-loving 12″ plant with pink or white impatiens like flowers. The leaves are a showy glossy green.
Gazania – Is well suited for hot sunny conditions and is low growing so not to interfere with the monument or other plantings. Daisy-like flowers range in color from orange to pink and yellow.
Zinnia Linearis
Zinnia Linearis – Is a recent introduction to the Zinnia family we are familiar with from mom’s garden. this plant is 12-16″ tall and is very tolerant of dry soil conditions. The flowers are orange or white and the foliage is delicate in appearance.