Fall is the prime time for planting success.
The annuals that were so lush from this summer’s moist conditions are starting to lose their vibrant colors and vigor. Some great choices do exist for the fall transition period, Ornamental Kale, Cabbage and Hardy Chrysanthemums.
Ornamental Kale and Cabbage
Ornamental Kale and Cabbage – are similar in leaf texture to their edible cousins but vary greatly in color. they are available in white, pink and purple and are extremely hardy lasting late into the fall. They prefer sunny well-drained soil conditions but will tolerate partial shade. Kale and Cabbage – are maintenance free and relatively low-growing achieving heights of 12″ – 15″
Hardy Chrysanthemums
Hardy Chrysanthemums – are available in a wide array of colors, which makes them invaluable for bright fall displays. Like Kale and Cabbage they prefer sunny locations but are not as cold tolerate
Ornamental Kale, Cabbage and Chrysanthemums
Ornamental Kale, Cabbage and Chrysanthemums – are commonly available at most garden centers in the early fall, but you should shop early to be assured of your choice of colors.

Ground cover type plant material can provide low maintenance alternatives for the gravesite planting bed. Ground covers alone will not provide enough color or variety when planted by themselves. However, these plants in combination with more showy perennials such as Daylilies, Hosta, Salvia and Sedum can result in a beautiful yet practical display. The growth habit of the ground cover is such that its density can help prevent some of the weed growth that makes planting beds unsightly. Two of the most common and versatile of these plants are pachysandra and myrtle. We do not recommend any of the ivy types of ground cover because they tend to be to invasive.