“But the souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them … they are in peace.”
Wis 3:1-3

Mission Statement

We believe in Jesus’ promise
that He has prepared a place for each of us.
He welcomes our loved ones home while
we await His final coming.
At Catholic Cemeteries,
we provide a sacred place of faith,
hope and comfort.
Here, our beloved enter the resurrection
to everlasting joy.
Benefits of a Catholic Cemetery
- Sacred Grounds consecrated by the Church.
- Be at Rest Among the People of our Faith
- Daily Mass Intentions
- Religiously-Appointed Interment Chapels and Community Mausoleums
- Chaplains Provided for Committal Services
- Spiritual Features Important to Our Catholic Beliefs throughout the Cemeteries
- Belief in the Sacredness and Respect for the Human Body
- Endowed Care Funds Provide for Future Care and Maintenance.

Options and Availabilities
Come see our latest mausoleum at St. Charles Cemetery. This beautiful modern community mausoleum contains a variety of crypts and cremation niches. It has beautiful statuary and stained glass windows.
Catholics and Cremation
Due to the changing trends in funeral practices, the Bishops of New York State have prepared this document to answer common questions regarding the important elements of Church teaching concerning cremation. The responses are consistent with the U.S. Bishops’ “Order of Christian Funerals” and “Reflections on the Body, Cremation, and Catholic Funeral Rites” documents, which were consulted as source material.

The time of death is traumatic, an occasion of considerable emotional and financial strain. In these circumstances, it is extremely difficult to make prudent decisions. Pre-arrangement allows families to decide their cemetery needs thoughtfully, and without pressure. Take the opportunity NOW to spare your family the added burden of making last minute burial arrangements at a time when they will be least prepared.